The project "Indigenous knowledge in the Caquetá River: strengthening the management of climate change adaptation initiatives" began in April 2023 and it is an alliance between Tropenbos Colombia and the Natural Heritage Fund for Biodiversity and Protected Areas and financed by the Climate Alliance and Land use Climate and Land Use Alliance (CLUA).
By promoting climate-smart landscapes, the Working Landscapes programme will contribute to climate change mitigation, adaptation, improved livelihoods and environmental integrity, which are crucial to achieving the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Forests and trees in well-managed landscapes have the potential to contribute significantly to climate change mitigation and adaptation, while supporting people’s livelihoods and sustaining agricultural value chains.
Within the framework of an agreement with Nia Tero, Tropenbos Colombia has started to accompany the teaching processes of the Solano education institutions. Through this process we hope to strengthen teaching practicesans contribute with the construction of an intercultural framework and to improve the connection of schools with the territory. This way we promote the well-being of students in contexts of cultural diversity and also some administrative processes aimed at strengthening educational autonomy.
The project “Strengthening the Carijona People”, Manekone Karijona Esemarï Tae, in their language, was the winner proposal for the Pilar Indígena Visión Amazonia open call in 2021. Its execution began a few months ago in the Carijona community in Puerto Nare, municipality of Miraflores, department of Guaviare, with the accompaniment of Tropenbos Colombia.
The "Forests for a Just Future" programme of the Green Livelihoods Alliance (GLA) will contribute to the protection of tropical forests and the people who directly depend on those forests. With partner organisations in Africa, South East Asia and South America the GLA works to govern tropical forests in a sustainable and inclusive way.