About us
Tropenbos Colombia works to consolidate a platform for the strengthening, promotion and dissemination of local and traditional knowledge through capacity building strategies, the promotion of a dialogue of knowledge between communities, the academy and institutions as well as the inclusion of local knowledge in land management plans, development plans and pedagogical curriculums.
Tropenbos Colombia aims to contribute to the strengthening of cultural diversity and biodiversity in the country through the following actions:
- To create of a platform that assembles and projects the lessons learned in the processes of recognition, promotion and protection of traditional and local knowledge, as well as a means to advance in the development of community working and participative research methodologies and in the forrmulation and implementation of public policies with a gender approach in areas such as intercutlural healthcare attention, education, food security, local governance, intangible cultural heritage and territory ordering.
- To contribute to the conservation and sustainble use of ecosystems such as paramos, dry forests, wetlands and tropical rainforests by promoting good practices in territory ordering, environmental management, community monitoring of resources and sustainable productive projects.
- To continue supporting academic and local reseach in order to strrengthen the dialogue of knowledge and the projection and dissemination of local knowledge through communication actions including art and museum exhibitions.